9 Things to do in The Wellness Spa Town of Luhacovice

Fountain in front of hotel Luhacovice
Fountain in front of the Dům Bedřicha Smetany Hotel

The mineral springs in Eastern Moravia are a centerpiece gateway to health

Originally Visited: August 1, 2018 Republished: August 1, 2022

Home » Czechia » 9 Things to do in The Wellness Spa Town of Luhacovice

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1. Rejuvenate at a Spa Hotel in Luhacovice, Czechia

First and foremost this town became known for its curative qualities in the 18th century due to the abundance of mineral spring water in the area. It wasn’t until the 19th century that a whole cottage industry sprung up (pun intended) around this unique natural feature. Wellness Spas became the rage. In 2001 the Czech Ministry of Culture applied to put Luhacovice on the Unesco World Heritage List.

2. Swim in the Vodní nádrž Luhačovice reservoir

Our FAM group arrived at the Hotel Vyhlídka  in Luhacovice one afternoon, hot, thirsty, tired and wanting to relax. This hotel fronts a natural swimming pool the size of a small reservoir. My room had a balcony view of the water which was enticing me for a swim. However our host, Dana Muller of the Zlinsko a Luhacovicko tourist board, had something else in mind for us and that was to whisk us off to a spa experience at the elegant Alexandria Spa & Wellness Hotel . I was unfortunately too drained to make it but the rest of the people on our FAM trip did and said it was excellent.

3. Dine in a 5-star Restaurant

That evening we dined at the Alexandria restaurant adjacent to the hotel, enjoying such delicious, healthy meals as steak, fish, and salads. Our host ordered a steak which was cooked right at the dinner table! See the video:

4. Savor Freshly Brewed Gourmet Coffee

The next morning we met at the Lazenska Kava Coffee House for a tour on how this gourmet coffee is made. This is an awesome business start-up by a young entrepreneur. The demonstration he gave showing how he uses technical and precise formulations from raw coffee beans, roasted to perfection, resulting in the best tasting coffee in Luhacovice. No need for a Starbucks in this region when you have the Lazenska Kava. 

5. Visit the Museum of Traditional Czech Folk Wear

After getting revved up on the delicious espresso coffee we headed off to the Museum of Luhačovické Zálesí.  We discovered exquisitely made traditional costumes of the region. Our guide was a woman named Dr. Blanka Petrakova who shared much about her region’s history. Her daughter and a man who translated into English for us, also accompanied us on our morning walk along the Kolonada. 

6. Stroll the Kolonada Pedestrian Walk with Charming Shops and Cafes

This is the main pedestrian avenue that is adorned with shops and cozy cafes. We stopped at an outdoor water fountain while learning about historical figures. We also got a quick snack of the large, flat, local wafer cookie called Oplatky, which smelled like freshly made ice cream cones.

7. Drink Mineral Water in an Outdoor Fountain

Further down the avenue we stopped in the Spa Square to view the oldest preserved building built in 1795; the baroque Chapel of St. Elisabeth. 

Finally we got to the first outdoor mineral water fountain and we all took a drink. The taste was just like baking soda! On the salty side, but not too bad. The Czech people in this region swear by its health benefits. These waters come from under the mountains, so the water is clean and fresh, yet full of minerals. 

8. Tour of the Dům Bedřicha Smetany  

This medical spa resort built in 1910 by the architect Emil Kralik and bearing the name of the world-known Czech composer Bedrich Smetana is beautifully done in Art Noveau style. People come to stay here for weeks at a time to rejuvenate, rest, and get well. The services of the health resort include drinking cures, inhalation, balneotherapeutic procedures, massages, peat procedures, and locomotor rehabilitation, and thus allow the treatment of the respiratory and digestive tracts, metabolism disorders as well and dysfunctions of the locomotor system.

9. Meditate, Mellow-out, and Meander along the Trail Hike in this Spa Retreat

A short walk nearby is the beautiful Wellness & spa hotel; Augustiniánský dům where we were given a fabulous tour of the grounds. Later we had a special lunch, complete with dessert and espresso. This is an upscale resort, ideal for couples, or even as a wedding destination because there is a beautiful small chapel on the premises.  The average price for 2 for a 1-week stay at this spa hotel is about 4500czk. An absolute bargain. And it includes breakfast and spa services. 

There probably are more than 8 things you can do in Luhacovice but I’ve listed what I experienced and can recommend. Also keep in mind this town can be visited year-round as the weather is mostly temperate with heat in the summer and cold snow in the winter. Check out the special spa hotel packages for the holiday times too.

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